Selfie in Pentedattilo, Calabria

Piacere, my name is Michael but you can call me Micheluzzu.

Every Calabrian does! I’m first generation raised by Calabrian parents who instilled in me an immigrant work ethic at a very young age. This unique approach to work has fueled me my entire life and brought me to where I am today: living in New York City with my partner and our adopted pup running a specialty food brand in Brooklyn feeding a worldwide audience.

I also love music, art, photography, history and travel. I love these so much that I decided to turn these passions into my personal lens when sharing this hidden treasure with all of you. A place where one can learn about the region’s cultural contributions in addition to its food traditions. Taste Calabria is your go to site for understanding this misunderstood region that’s remained a mystery to many (including Italians).

Calabria is a wild and majestic place. There’s a lot more going on in this region than just spicy soppressata and I’m here to prove it. Join me on my journey as I share the magic that is Calabria.